What is Asthma - Symptoms
It is a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterized by their hypersensitivity to various stimuli and by the contraction of airway muscles. This results in the narrowing of the diameter, often called stenosis. This reaction is reversible with medication.
When the air passes through the narrowed bronchi this causes the symptoms of asthma:
• coughing
• wheezing especially at night
• chest tightness
• shortness of breath
• easy to fatigue
Diagnosis: the diagnosis of asthma is performed by obtaining an accurate medical history from the patient along side a thorough clinical examination, combined with spirometry.

The main stimuli that trigger the symptoms of asthma are:
• allergens (pollen, mold, mites, cat or dog hair, etc.)
• viral infections (mainly)
• home-effect irritants (bleach other cleansers) (dyes, flour, etc.)
• Smoking and exposure to smoke or intense odors
• Various medications (aspirin)
• Exercise and temperature changes
Asthma Treatment:
Two main classes of medication are used to treat asthma:
• Relievers that help the immediate symptoms of asthma called bronchodilators
• Regulators that help control bronchial inflammation and protect against asthma attacks (ingested cortisone etc.)
The aim of the treatment is for asthma sufferers to live a normal life i.e:
• Not to have symptoms (both day and night)
• Not to be absent from work
• To maintain a normal physical activity and exercise
• Not to have asthma attacks
To achieve this, patients must:
• Avoid the risk factors that cause them symptoms
• Constantly receive their treatment
• Be monitored by the attending physician at regular intervals
One of the most important elements of the patient's treatment with asthma is his / her education, which includes:
• Knowledge about the nature of the disease (chronicity - risk factors)
• Understanding the role of drugs - especially when they have no symptoms
• Timely identification of signs of worsening of the disease